MGT619 Final Project Assignment 09 (2017)
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 33 secondsDear Students,
The result of the MGT69 final Project Assignment # 09: Revised Final Project/Dissertation has been announced. The evaluated Projects/Dissertations have also been uploaded on the course VULMS. Results of evaluated Projects/Dissertations have been declared as Pass, Needs Improvement and Rejected.
PASS: The students whose results of Written Work as a whole i.e. (Proposal & MGT619 Final Project/Dissertation) have been declared as Pass should carefully read and follow the comments given in their evaluated project/dissertation and start preparing for presentation & viva voce. They are required to read the guidelines for presentation & viva voce (Lesson: 07) uploaded on VULMS of the course. Also follow the presentation template to design the presentation power point slides.Assignment for submission of PPTs will be opened soon (Due Date: August 02, 2013).
The scheduling for presentation & viva voce is in progress and will be intimated to the students individually at their respective VU e-mail IDs.
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT & REJECTED: The students who had valid proposal but have fallen into the category of NEEDS IMPROVEMENT& REJECTED in the Revised Final Project/Dissertation (Assignment # 09) are given LAST CHANCE to improve their work by following the comments given by the Instructor. They are required to submit their improved project/dissertation through email of course code till the given date by the supervisor on the evaluated MGT619 final project.
The students who had a valid proposal and are in Needs Improvement category in Assignment # 09, if PASS the written work by submitting improved projects/dissertation as instructed shall be called for presentation & viva voce in Spring 2013 semester. Otherwise, their results will be declared as Fail thus they will be required to follow the rules and regulations of the university regarding the next semester” instead “to enroll in the next semester”.
MGT619 Final Project Writing Service (100 % Approval
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