Project on Mobilink Advertisement Strategy
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes, 26 secondsMobilink Advertisement Strategy
The main reason for conducting this research is to examine and study the advertising strategies of Mobilink and Warid in pre-paid connection. The primary aim this research is to know the customers perception regarding to both companies advertising strategies and compare the advertising strategies each other. In fact Advertising is a term used to communicate or transfer business related information to current and future customers. Advertising provides information about the company, the product and the brand. It is equally important for both customers and sellers in the market. The theme of advertising is to sell a product, a service or an idea basically aim of advertising is to create a need in minds of customers for a product or service. Advertising is a tool used to rouse interest in customer minds especially when a new product is launched in the market extensive advertising is used to promote it creating hype in the market based on features of product being introduced.
Main reason for conducting this study is to obtain the true perception of customers about advertising strategies of two telecom companies in the private sector namely Mobilink and Warid. Second reason is to compare the customer responses and views about advertising of both telecom firms. Advertising is an important promotional tool used to sell products and services customers responds to advertising in both negative and positive ways however it is not easy to determine the correct customer responses from target audience for example customer views about a product or service can change, several reasons exists behind these alterations of target audience. The purpose of conducting this study is to analyze and compare advertising strategies of Mobilink and Warid.
Significance of the project
Advertising is one of the most effective tools used by businesses to convey their message and information to its target customers. Hence this study will be useful for marketing students if they wish to know how advertising strategies are actually used in companies other researchers can also take help from this study to know about the mindset of Pakistanis and what attracts them to purchase a product or service in our case the outcomes of this study will show which of the two company’s advertising strategies are proving to be more attractive than the other. Managers and supervisors especially in the marketing department of the two companies selected for this study can benefit from it as well as it will help identify weak areas and also suggest ways in which to overcome these weaknesses. Mobilink and Warid both are international investments in Pakistan with the help of this study prospect investors can know about the telecom market and customer’s choice.
Warid is opening new franchise in every city to meet the consumers desired. According to research Warid is adding four.10 million subscribers in 2012. Warid has expended his network additional then 436 franchises below the boundary of Pakistan and company owned customer’s services centers along side a distribution network of 164,900.
Market segmentation strategies of Warid
Warid is also segmenting its market on the base on age, groups, now Warid is segmenting its market for youngsters with handsome packages. Warid is also offering numbers of SMS and call packages four young customers, Warid is also offering lot of packages for students as will. Post paid connections are available for mature and business man and for executive people.
Target marketing strategies of Warid
Warid is targeting the youth age in Pakistan. This target market of youngsters comprises of the 70% population. Warid has paying concentration advertising towards the target market simultaneously centered complete building over the market section of youth. Warid conjointly targeting the center category within the population to extend the amount of subscribers furthermore because the revenue generation from these subscribers and has conjointly targeted the company category.
Advertising objectives of Warid
Main objective of Warid advertising are to delivering his products and services to their customers and to motivate the customers towards its brand. The other primary aim for Warid advertising is to keep in touch with consumers and provide then information about new products and its promotion. Warid is also caring the company sales by increasing the consumers through advertising.
Warid Frequency | Percentage | Mobilink Frequency | Percentage | |
1 | 3 | 5.45 | 21 | 46.66666667 |
2 | 17 | 30.91 | 17 | 37.77777778 |
3 | 11 | 20.00 | 7 | 15.55555556 |
4 | 24 | 43.64 | 0 | 0 |
5 or more | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 55 | 100 | 45 | 100 |
Advertisement table displays warid percentage as 43.64% consumers seen the ad 4 times in a day 31% have seen ad 2 times a day 20% have seen ad of warid 3 times a day.
The same table display percentages of mobilink. Table shows 46% mobilink consumers see ad 1 time a day, 37.77% see the ad 2 times a day and 15.55% seen the ad 3 times a day.According to table warid ad is viewed more frequently by consumers.
Warid Frequency | Percentage | Mobilink Frequency | Percentage | |
Big discounts, cheaper | 2 | 3.64 | 10 | 22.22 |
Product is of high quality | 12 | 21.82 | 14 | 31.11 |
Just trying to sell the product | 1 | 1.82 | 18 | 40.00 |
Brand awareness | 34 | 61.82 | 2 | 4.44 |
Other | 6 | 10.91 | 1 | 2.22 |
Total | 55 | 100 | 45 | 100 |
Consumer feedback for message of ad for warid in table show that 62% say the ad message is about brand awareness. 22% consumers say the message of ad is about product high quality and 11% consumer indicated the ad message is other.
The same table for mobilink response show that 40% mobilink users say the ad message is trying to sell product, 31.11% mobilink users say ad message is about high product quality 22.22% say the ad message is about discounts. Most users’ response is showcasing that Warid ads are about product awareness while in case of mobilink the ad message is only about selling product.
Warid Frequency | Percentage | Mobilink Frequency | Percentage | |
Strongly Disagree | 0 | 0.00 | 2 | 4.44 |
Disagree | 8 | 14.55 | 21 | 46.67 |
Neutral | 2 | 3.64 | 1 | 2.22 |
Agree | 35 | 63.64 | 17 | 37.78 |
Strongly Agree | 10 | 18.18 | 4 | 8.89 |
Total | 55 | 100 | 45 | 100 |
Based on percentage values of Warid in total 63.64% (63.64+18.18) consumers of Warid were agreeing and strongly agreeing that claims made in ad are believable. But 14.55% users disagree with given question.
Percentage value of mobilink displayed in table indicate that 51.11 %( 46.67+4.44) of mobilink users were strongly disagree and disagree that claims of ad about mobilink are believable 46.67 %( 37.78 agree +8.89 strongly agree) that brand ad claims are believable.
It is clear from percentage analysis table that warid has more believable claims in their ads as compared with mobilink.
Warid Frequency | Percentage | Mobilink Frequency | Percentage | |
Strongly Disagree | 0 | 0.00 | 2 | 4.44 |
Disagree | 9 | 16.36 | 18 | 40.00 |
Neutral | 6 | 10.91 | 0 | 0.00 |
Agree | 33 | 60.00 | 24 | 53.33 |
Strongly Agree | 7 | 12.73 | 1 | 2.22 |
Total | 55 | 100 | 45 | 100 |
In total 72.73% (60 agree + 12.73 strongly agree) warid consumers understand the product being advertised 16.36% disagree with statement 11% are neutral. Mobilink percentage table indicate that 53.33% consumers are agree that consumer are able to understand the product being advertised and 40% disagree with statement. By comparing values of warid and mobilink the table indicates that warid messages are clear helping warid consumers understand the product whereas the percentage of mobilink was low for the same statement.