ALL about HRM619 Final Project

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes, 33 seconds

HRM619: Final Project (Human Resource Management)

Rules and Regulations


  1. The students, who are presently on job and cannot spare time for doing the internship, can get exemption from internship by submitting their Job Confirmation Letter( JCL).
  2. Upon the acceptance of ‘Job Confirmation Letter’ by the Documents Evaluation Committee, exemption will be granted from Internship and Internship Report. The students still need to fulfill all the requirements of this course by submitting project/dissertation (instead of internship report) and appearing in presentation & viva voce.
  3. Once enrolled in the course “HRM619-Final Project-Human Resource Management ”, a student shall NOT be allowed to change/switch the course within the same semester after six (6) weeks from the commencement date of the semester. However, a student may drop the course at any time within the semester BUT before the due date for the submission of final project/dissertation.
  4. The student must select a topic for project/dissertation according to his/her area of specialization.
  5. The student CANNOT select the same organization for his/her project/dissertation in which he/she is presently working. However, he/she can select a group of organizations operating in the same sector.

Rules for issuance of “Reference Letter for Research Work


  1. Reference letter for Research Work shall be issued to the student if he/she has a minimum CGPA of 2.00 and has earned 45 credit hours prior to enrolling the Final Project course.
  2. In certain cases, organizations may require “Reference letter for Research Work” issued by the University to allow and facilitate the students. “Reference letter for Research Work” can be requested by sending e-mail to concerned Course Instructor at . Students must provide the following details in their e-mail request:
  3. a. Name and designation of the contact person / addressee
  4. b. Name of the department and organization
  5. c. Complete address of the organization
  6. d. Telephone (contact) numbers of the person/organization
  7. e. Your own complete postal address (where you want to receive the letter)
  8. f. Your own contact numbers including cell number

3. “Reference letter for Research Work” will be sent to overseas students in PDF printable format at their VU e-mail IDs.


Rules for Submission of Written Work “Proposals & final Project/Dissertation


  1. Students are required to submit their written work (Proposals & Final Project/Dissertation) by uploading it on VULMS of the course or by any other manner defined by the Course instructor as a special case.
  2. Any submission made via email using other than VU email address shall NOT be accepted/entertained.
  3. Submissions made after due date shall NOT be considered/entertained.

Rules for Plagiarized/Copied & Non-Referenced Material


  1. The student shall be declared fail and strictly dealt with if copied and non-referenced work/material i.e. taken from any secondary source (web sites, journals, books, articles, other students etc.) is found in thee written work, even if it is found at any instance.
  2. The students themselves are responsible for the security of their written work from being copied/misused by other students. In such cases both the students will be penalized, as per University’s standard policy.
  3. Virtual University reserves the right to cancel the degree of any student involved in plagiarism, even if it is found at any instance.
  1. Virtual University has Zero Tolerance Policy for plagiarized work. Such cases are dealt very strictly as per HEC rules.
  2. Submission of any fake/forge document is a crime which shall not be excused in any case.


Rules for Pass and Fail

  1. Those students who will have a valid proposal i.e. approved by the Instructor will be allowed to proceed for final project/dissertation. Valid proposal is a must to continue for the submission of final project/dissertation. Final project/dissertation shall NOT be entertained unless a student submits a valid proposal.
  2. Those students may pass the written work who will (i) adhere to the format of both proposal & final project/dissertation (ii) follow the instructions/guidelines provided by the Instructor as well as those uploaded on VULMS of the course, (iii) justify the requirements of project’s/dissertation’s topic and objectives.
  3. Those students who will be declared pass in the written work (final proposal & project/dissertation) will be called for presentation & viva voce.
  4. Those students who will be able to defend the written work by presenting effectively and answering the questions asked by the panel satisfactorily will be declared pass in the whole course.
  5. If a student does NOT pass the written work, he/she shall NOT be called for presentation & viva voce. Such students will be declared Fail (F) in the course, thus will be required to re-enroll the course in next semester.
  6. A student MUST pass all the phases/segments of the course i.e. (a) “written work as a whole (proposal & final project/dissertation” (b) “presentation & viva voce” separately as well as collectively in order to pass the course as a whole.
  7. If a student remains absent (without prior intimation) in the presentation & viva voce, his/her result shall be declared as F (Absent) soon after the expiry of the date given to appear for the presentation & viva voce.
  8. Re-checking of written work shall NOT be done in any case.

Rules for Misleading, Misstating, Concealing Facts and Submitting Forge/Fake Documents



  1. The “Documents Evaluation Committee” reserves the right to evaluate any or all the documents submitted by the student, by using all possible means and ways to determine the authenticity/genuineness and correctness of the documents.
  2. If a student enrolls the course of ‘Final Project’ by concealing the facts then the student will be dropped from the course and case may be forwarded to the “University Committee on Unfair Means”. The decision of the committee shall be considered as final.
  3. If the document such as “Job Confirmation Letter (JCL)” submitted by the student are found fake/forge by the “Documents Evaluation Committee”, the decision taken by the committee shall be considered as final.
  4. Note: In both the cases mentioned above, the student will be given a chance to defend his/her position.
  5. The student may be declared ineligible to continue the same course in the current semester by the “Document Evaluation Committee” and may be asked to re-enroll the appropriate course in next semester due to reasons mentioned below:
  6. Job Confirmation Letter rejected and/or proven fake/forge
  7. Any other reason(s) determined by the committee


Rules for Presentation & Viva Voce


  1. . The schedule for presentation and viva voce will be communicated to the students only via e-mail by the Course instructor. The students must remain vigilant and check their e-mails regularly.
  2. Presentation & viva voce shall be scheduled for every student only once in a semester. Students requests for re-scheduling the presentation & viva voce shall not be entertained.
  3. Students MUST confirm their presence/absence for the scheduled date of presentation & viva voce via return e-mail to the course instructor at least 24 HOURS prior to the given/communicated date.

Rules for Re-enrollment of Course in Next Semester:

If a student who has successfully passed the written work but fails to appear for the “presentation & viva voce” then he/she will be declared F (Absent) in the course. He/she will be required to re-enroll the course in next semester; subsequently he/she will have to fulfill all the requirements of the course according to the semester calendar. He/she will be expected to submit revised/improved written work according to the requirement in the enrolled semester . However, if he/she does not intend to revise/improve the written work submitted in previous semester (project/dissertation) then he/she will be required to upload the same evaluated file of project/dissertation against the relevant assignment.  In any case, he/she will be required to follow the current semester’s calendar of the respective course.


About Mian Aamir

Dr. Mian Aamir
Founder of
Cell: 03214750603

Dr. Mian Aamir is the founder of, specializing in thesis writing and dissertation services. He holds an M.Phil in Business Administration and possesses extensive experience in academic writing. Dr. Aamir is dedicated to helping students achieve their academic goals through high-quality, customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each student, ensuring a smooth and successful thesis writing process.

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