Thanks you very much, once again thank you very much. Usually the word thanks is used at the end of the or close of the writing but I could not hide my expression, my emotion which I have in my heart for your good self. This is all just because of the help and support your honour extended to helping me in writing my HRM619 final project, which if I cordially express was impossible for me without your esteemed help and guidance rather support in throughout the completion of the HRM619 project.
Taking this opportunity I must share my personal experience with you and your well wishers, which I kept in my heart as a secret that I was really very much upset while I had to go through the HRM619 Final Project. I am a Govt Officer and my assignment too much burdened me by the blessing of the Load Shedding. While I started work on this project there were too main factor which were creating hindrances even there seemed to be impossible for me to complete my Project, One of the major factor which was dis-hearting me the Load shedding which never allowed me to sit for work when I got to work on my assigned Project.
The second major aspect of the hindrances was my official priorities. Since the preparation of the project was hard nut to crack. Hence I was too much worried about it that how I could be able to get it done. One of my Virtue University fellow advised my to visit and told me to contact you and developed my hope for success. I got a bank of the river of hope .
I was feeling as a drawing man at a straw..I visited the site and got the contact of your good self. You very soundly given me hope and developed skirmish skill to face it and promised me to remain with me throughout the Completion of the Project and YOU DID IT, YOU REMAINED WITH ME WITH THE CORE OF YOUR HEART THROUGHOUT my HRM619 project. You guided me, you helped me out , you remained with me as profound teacher all the time even when at bed time I called you, you never bothered to listen my call and attended me very politely as an elderly responsible educator.
Sir, I have no words for appraisal and nothing to reward you against that what you done for me but just to pray for your prosperity, happiness and sound help, which may made able you to make efforts and help out the others.
Thank You, Sir
Amjad Ali Branch Manager BOP Lahore