MGT619 Final Project Management Assignment Schedule 2014
Dear Student
The Semester Calendar of the course MGT619 has been provided as mentioned. As per calendar, submission of proposal (due date: 9th May 2014) is COMPULSORY. You are required to follow the provided Semester Calendar and make submissions accordingly.
Semester Calendar (Schedule for Spring 2014) |
Course Schedule |
Dates |
1st submission of Proposal | 9th May 2014 |
Last date for Submission of Job Confirmation Letter/Copy of transcript of previous BS degree program | 9th May 2014 |
Submission of Final Project/Dissertation | 27 June,2014 |
Presentation & Viva Voce | After acceptance of final project report (view the note below) |
* Note:• Presentation & viva voce may be conducted at any time after the acceptance of the final project report. Students will be required to view their emails regularly for their presentation call • The dates in the course calendar are tentative and may be subjected to change as and if required. |
MGT619 Final Project Assignment Questions and their Answers.
Dear Sir Please make me clear regarding the rejection of my Project Topic in previous semester i.e. (Implementation of PMS in KESC).
You can choose this topic for your study i-e “Perceived Level of Commitment of Top Management in KESC”, you required to develop complete proposal on this topic according to the format available in DOWNLOADS section of VULMS of MGT619. If you need any help write us at [email protected].
I am given comments for improvement in my submitted proposal against assignment # 1. In view of the comments I want to go through the areas suggested for improvement. Please help me that I am unable to access the evaluated file as every time “session expired” window opens. I have to submit Assignment 2 (Improved file) till 9 May, please send me evaluated file in my student mail account.
Dear Student, Ask your instructor in this regards, send your email at [email protected]
Dear Sir May I select this Topic? Implementation of HSEQ Management System in KESC by new Private Management A case study of Karachi Electric Supply Company for establishing zero fatality organization.
This is not clear topic and it does not depict that what do you want to do in this study. If you want to implement the management system of HESC in KESC then what will be your dimensions in this regard and how will you implement this system in that organization. You are suggested to work on the previous topic which you have mentioned in the earlier comments. Visit our MGT619 topic page for topic selection. MGT619 Project topics.
Respected Sir, I want to convert my course from Project to Internship. Regards
So send your email at [email protected] for course replacement.
Kindly guide me with the fully detailed path where the marked file is located at VULMS
You need to go to the assignment section on LMS and there you will find the marked file.
Aslam-o-alikum! i want to postpone my project for next semester or can i change it to Internship? Kindly guide me. Regards
You are enrolled in 7 courses other than Final project MGT619. If you think that you cannot cope up with the semester activities of MGT619 final project then you can enroll it in the next semester. But if you are an on job student and want to do internship then you need to take the leave form your job and then can so the internship in some other organization. Decide that what you want to do.
If you have any confusion you can ask your instructor at [email protected]
Dear Sir,my research proposal is accepted in previous semester but i am confused that how to start the work for the Project and how to proceed in making project.Please guid me in detail that what to do.Thanks.
You need to see the format of the MBA Project available in the download section of LMS. This format will guide you that how to make each and every section in the project. You need to send the questionnaire through email to your instructor and when the questionnaire will be approved you can start collecting data.