MGT619 Final Project on Leadership Styles and its relationship with perceived employees’ performance at Nestle
Research by Mian Aamir Subject code :- MGT619 Final Project-Management Year 2013 The relationship between perceived leadership styles and employee engagement:It would have been impossible for me to chart out this project without the efforts and guidance of my beloved teachers and voracity of my parents who in their limited resources enabled me to face all complications in completing my studies. Thanks my dear parents for your love for me
I would like to first give my gratitude to VU Instructor, who has given me significant suggestions and inspections during the whole process of completion of project I would like to give my great appreciation to University Library staff, my friends, and my university fellows.
The present study conducted to investigate the current leadership styles at Nestle and its impact on perceived employee performance. The data collected through questionnaires from the employees of Nestle by using non-probability convenience sampling technique. The questionnaires consisted on transformational and transactional leadership style and on employee performance.
Response and feedback measured with the help of mean test technique and correlation technique was used to find out the relationship between variables. During analysis, this study has found that most the employees of Nestle have selected agree option against each leadership styles, according to their view and agreement shows their satisfaction level and Nestle and which is high. According to their views, their organization is presently adopting both transformational and transactional styles in order to increase the employee performance and company outputs. Overall finding of this study is indicating the strong leadership in which employees are being motivating towards their work. On the base on correlation fining, there is strong and very strong relationship of transformational and transactional leadership styles with perceived employees performance.
Leadership Styles and its relationship with perceived employees
This study aims to determine the relationship between leadership styles and perceived employee performance at Nestle. Hater and Bass (1988) indicated that, by contrasting transformational and transactional leadership, it does not mean that the two models are unrelated. In fact, researchers have indicated that, although the two are distinct concepts, they are interrelated, meaning that a leader can be both transactional and transformational.
It is argued that transformational leadership builds on transactional leadership and not the other way around. Transformational leadership is thus viewed as an extension of the transactional leadership style (Avolio & Bass, 1999; Bass & Steidlmeier, 1998; Hartog & Van Muijen, 1997). Transactional and transformational leaders are described as such, because at the defining moment their beliefs, attitudes and behaviours resemble that of either the transactional or the transformational leader (Bass & Steidlmeier, 1998). Bass and Avolio (1997) were of the opinion that, although transformational leadership may be more effective in changing times, the transactional process of clarifying certain expectancies for a reward, is an essential component of the full range of effective leadership.
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