FIN619 Final Project Finance on Profitability Ratio of Oil and Gas Companies
What is Profitability Ratio Analysis
Profitability ratio analysis compares income to output and find how much profit was generated during a period of time. A profitability ratio mainly consists of margins and returns these ratios are used to measure value relative to a specific industry. Companies determine dividend payment to shareholders by using profitability ratios, similarly return on assets, return on equity are used by financial analysts to if a company is using all of its available assets for profit maximization.
Profitability Ratio Analysis of below companies are available
Profitability Ratio project of Attock Petroleum 2013
Profitability Ratio project of Attock RefineryXD 2013
Profitability Ratio project of Burshane LPG XD 2013
Profitability Ratio project of Byco Petroleum 2013
Profitability Ratio project of Mari Petroleum 2013
Profitability Ratio project of National Refin XD 2013
Profitability Ratio project of Oil & Gas Devel 2013
Profitability Ratio project of Pak Oil fieldsXD 2013
Profitability Ratio project of Pak Petroleum 2013
Profitability Ratio project of Pak Refinery XD 2013
Profitability Ratio project of P.S.O. XD 2013
Profitability Ratio project of Shell Pakistan Ltd 2013
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