Dear Students,
The result of the Assignment No. 07 (Final Submission of FIN619 Project) has been announced. The evaluated Projects have also been uploaded on the course VULMS. Results of evaluated Projects have been declared as Pass o rFail.
Type One: PASS
The students whose results of Written Work as a whole i.e. (Proposal & Final Project) have been declared as Pass should carefully read and follow the comments given in their evaluated project and start preparing for presentation & viva voce. They are required to read the guidelines for presentation & viva voce (Lesson: 07) uploaded on VULMS of the course. Also follow the presentation template (available in Downloads section) to design the presentation power point slides. Assignment No. 8 (Final Submission of Presentation Slides for Pass Students Only) has been opened (Due Date: 20th August, 2013).
The scheduling for presentation & viva voce is in progress and will be intimated to students individually at their respective VU e-mail IDs.
Type Two: Fail
The students who had a valid proposal but “Fail” in Final Project will be declared as Fail in this course for current semester. Such students will not be scheduled for presentation & viva voce session and they will need to re-enroll in this course either in Fall 2013 or any subsequent semester.
- The Presentation Slides will NOT be reviewed and returned for improvements to the students. However, they will be evaluated during the presentation & viva voce session.
- The result of Assignment No. 8 (Final Submission of Presentation Slides for Pass Students Only) will NOT be declared on VULMS of the course.
- Students will be informed at least two days in advance about their respective date and venue of the presentation & viva voce via e-mail at their VU e-mail accounts.